
عطاء متجدد


الأربعاء ١٤٣٨/٥/١١هـ

مع 1 التعليقات
*السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته*

صباح الخيرات والمسرات للجميع ..

وحياكم الله في إذاعة اليوم
🗓 - *الأربعاء ١٤٣٨/٥/١١هـ* -

وخير ما نبدأ به *آيات عطرة* مع القارئ /   *فارس عباد*


" تلاوة مؤثرة من سورة مريم "

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📜 *مــع أسـمـاء الله الـحـسـنى* 📜

*الكَافي جلّ جلاله* :

- *المعنى* : كفايته سبحانه لجميع عباده في رزقهم و تدبير أمورهم و إصلاح شؤونهم، وكفايته لأوليائه المؤمنين برعايتهم و تأييدهم .

وقد ورد *مرة واحدة* في القرآن.

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 ❔ *كيــف نــكــون ســعــداء* ❓

- الانهماك في عمل مثمر يكون سبباً في طرد الهموم والأحزان .

- عش في حدود يومك وانس الماضي والمستقبل.

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🌿 *قــــصــــة وعــــبــــرة* 🌿

سألوه :
ماسبب طول عمرك ؟!
 أي طعامٍ تأكل ؟!
أجاب : كنت أترك الجدل العقيم ولم أدخل في مجادلة قط ..
قالوا : مستحيل.
قال : صدقتـم !

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💡 *يا بـاغـي الخيـر أقبـل* 💡

موقع *أكاديمية المسلم الجديد*
 من أفضل المواقع
ننصح الجميع بزيارته ونشره نسأل الله
أن تنالكم فضيلة الدعوة.


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شكرًا لطيب متابعتكم

*وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد* .
  1. alkathiri يقول...

    Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

    *May peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you *

    🌷 Wishing you all a good morning, full of happiness and good news🌷

    Welcome to our radio programme for today - *Wednesday,11/5/1438*

    “First things first! ”

    Best thing to begin with is fragrant verses of the holy quran recited by Shaikh / Faris Abbad


    A devout and humble recitation of Surah of Maryam

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    📚 *Beautiful names and attributes of ALLAH* 📚

    Al Kafy / .( his lordliness.)

    Meaning : He , his lordliness, who is the one and only who ultimately suffices the needs of his creatures, their welfare and their errands.

    He, his lordliness, who ultimately suffices whoever resorts to him and asks for refuge and shelter.

    He, his lordliness, who ultimately suffices every single issue of his truly pious believers. Facilitating their lives and keeping difficulties away from them.

    “Al Kafy” ,his lordliness,  name / attribute was stated one time in the holy quran.

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    😊Road to happiness😊

    ☺ Preoccupation with a fruitful work can make your sorrows and worries disappear.

    ☺ Your present day has enough to thinking to do. Forget about yesterday and tomorrow.

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    🌿 A story and a lesson 🌿

    An elderly was asked: How did you live so long?! What did you use to eat?!

    He said: I made avoiding arguments and polemics a habit!

    They said : No way!

    He answered: You’re right! As you wish! 😊

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    💡O seekers of goodness come in !💡

    “New Muslim Academy” is one of the best websites. Recommended for visiting and to recommend to others

    Hoping you get the virtue of and prize of guiding people to Allah


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    Thank you for your reading and good attention . 😊🖑

    🌹🌹 May peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad 🌹🌹

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